Aug 21, 2013

Many of the world's homes are not fortunate to have permanent options for power. Millions are forced to use rudimentary means of providing artificial light to alleviate the darkness caused by nightfall. A new foundation, by the name of Uncharted Play, has made it their mission to help alleviate this issue. Their answer is the SOCCKET ball.

SOCCKET is an impressive product with a simple purpose: To provide a clean energy power source. The unique, soccer ball uses harnessed kinetic energy, produced through play , to create electricity. Uncharted Play's testing has shown that as little as 30 minutes of play will produce approximately 3 hours of light from the included 6-watt LED light.

Uncharted Play is the brainchild of Harvard graduates, Jessica O. Matthews and Julia Silverman. The two met in college on a previous project and reunited to found the new social enterprise that would become Uncharted Play. The team then enlisted engineer, Victor Angel to design the first prototype SOCCKET.

It is genuinely refreshing to find a tech product that is truly innovative. Giving those less fortunate a chance at a clean energy source is inspiring, and I wish the Uncharted Play team the best of luck in the future of their project. You can find more info, and preorder, on the SOCCKET via their website.

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