Welcome to TechXaminer! The TX Team aims to keep you informed and entertained with technology editorials, reviews, and news from all corners of the web.

We're all just plain ol' folk with a passion for tech, and just happen to love writing about it. We're not your usual news aggregating site, but an outlet to express our views on the world of technology as we see it. We realize you have your opinions too, so please feel free to engage with our writers by commenting on their posts, giving your two cents, and sharing the articles with your circles of tech. We may agree, or just agree to disagree, but our affinity for tech is what brings us all here. We hope to keep an open and friendly environment for all who stop by and chime in on the conversations.

Thanks for tuning in, and we hope to keep you coming back! You could have been anywhere on the web right now, but you're here with us, and we appreciate that.

Your friendly neighborhood TechXaminers.

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