Jan 29, 2013

Over the last several years, most smartphone users have had to adapt to all-touchscreen phones made popular by the iPhone and legions of Android devices. While you might find some qwerty keyboard options in the Android world, many have been mid-range sliders adding bulk. BlackBerry faithful have held on to their aging phones, because, to them, the keyboards just rock. Countless iPhone auto-correct memes can be found across the internet poking fun at the fact that, when it comes to typing without a physical keyboard, some people have two left thumbs.

Well, Tactus Technology, headquartered in Fremont, CA, is introducing some seriously cutting edge, smart device keyboard tech to attempt to put an end to the embarrassing text messages to mom. Imagine if you will, hitting the keyboard on-screen button or selecting a text field, and a physical keyboard permeates through the screen so you can begin typing. I did say seriously cutting edge.

The Tactus microfluidic technology is what will allow device makers to keep future devices slim and trim, but improve the experience of typing on mobile devices. For gamers, other potential applications could be controls that rise up and sink back into the screen when you're not fighting off the armies of evil.

Get a sneak peek at the future here:

Tactus Technology - CES 2013 from Tactus Technology Inc. on Vimeo.
Does this kind of keyboard tech get you excited or are you totally adjusted to the touchscreen experience?
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