Jan 17, 2013

Tumbling over Instagram

Posted by Unknown

When Instagram was finally released for Android last April, I said to myself, let's see what all this hype is about. After all, iOS users LOOOVED Instagram. Must be a "magical" app with tons of cool features I thought. I played with the filters. I did the obligatory food and drinks while I'm out shots. Took pictures of random things. I tagged stuff. I liked people's pics of their food, drinks, random stuff, and dozens, if not hundreds, of self portrait shots. I shared to Facebook and Twitter.

Then I got bored. Fast. Eight months later to be more exact. Maybe I'm not using this right I thought. What else does this thing do?

Having had a Tumblr account for a while, which I recently rebooted, I started asking myself, what does Instagram offer me that Tumblr doesn't already? For those of you unfamiliar with some of Tumblr's goodies, I put this list together:

  1. You can also follow people, like, and comment on their posts in your stream.

  2. You can share pictures… and animated gifs, and videos, and quotes, and have your own blog.

  3. You can also share posts to Facebook and Twitter.

  4. You can easily re-share posts through the Tumblr reblog feature. It's just like retweeting on Twitter.

  5. You can upload up to 10 pictures in a photo set if you want to get fancy.

  6. You can use Tumblr from the web! It's not limited to just your mobile device.

  7. You can select from hundreds of templates, both free and premium, to customize your Tumblr page, and really give it your own look and feel.

  8. You can use your own personalized domain so you don't have to have a: myinsertfunnyname.tumblr.com.

  9. You can also tag your posts with hashtags, and search Tumblr for those hashtags to find similar posts.

  10. You can have multiple Tumblr pages for different topics or interests under one account and switch between them easily.

  11. Oh and the mobile app for Tumblr is pretty slick.

Other than built in filters to apply to photos, which I can get through many other mobile apps available out there, I couldn't find any real reason to keep my Instagram account. Tumblr is a much more robust, versatile, and easy to use social platform for image sharing, and anything else I want to share in the moment.
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